Pantostin® Solution against Hair Loss

Since Prince William, Bruce Willis and Andre Agassi, it is clear: light hair or even baldness does not have to be unattractive. Yet many men fear hair loss like women fear cellulite. Unfortunately, however, women can fight their dimples with exercise, a healthy diet and plenty of discipline. Men, on the other hand, rely on medications and hair tonics that do little to help in most cases. A means against hair loss is the Pantostin



: Action and application


Is used for milder forms of hormonal hereditary alopecia. Here, the active ingredient alfatradiol targets the hormones. Pantostin

inhibits the formation of the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which in turn is responsible for declining hair growth. By inhibiting the enzyme that forms DHT, alfatradiol allows hair roots to grow naturally again. According to the manufacturer, Pantostin

be applied to the scalp once a day in the evening before going to bed using an enclosed applicator. The daily dose of 3 milliliters of Pantostin.

is already integrated in the applicator. The liquid should be spread on the areas of the scalp most affected by hair loss and rubbed in with the hands. After about four weeks, the first results should be visible. An application that lasts longer than a year must be discussed with the attending physician.


: Side effects and experience

Probably the most common side effects experienced when taking Pantostin

Are burning, rashes, itching or redness on the scalp. In addition, the scalp may become more oily than usual during the period while taking the drug. In any case, the product should not come into contact with the eyes and mucous membranes. According to the manufacturer, the product is not suitable for children and adolescents. Experiences of Pantostin interactions

with other medications are not known. Important for a successful Pantostin

-treatment is to start the application in time. This is because the roots of hair that has fallen out are still active for some time and can be stimulated to grow again by the drug. However, the more time passes, the more likely the hair roots are already completely dead and thus can no longer be reactivated. Pantostin

is therefore suitable only for mild forms of hair loss at an early stage. The remedy can be used by both women and men.