Pantovigar® N: Cure against Hair Loss

Everyone knows it: you wash or comb your hair and there are individual hairs or tufts of hair everywhere. When hair falls out, it means: make room for new cells. There is no reason to worry, because up to 150,000 hairs grow on our scalp. However, hair can also fall out more frequently and in larger quantities.

The diffuse hair loss

Widely spread is the so-called diffuse hair loss. In this case, hair does not fall out in a specific place, but on the whole head. Over time, the hair becomes thinner as a result. Especially women suffer from this problem, because it is hormonal hair loss. Diffuse hair loss must be distinguished from hereditary hair loss, in which the hair falls out in specific places such as the crown or forehead. Men are more often affected by this type than women.

If the doctor could not detect any diseases, other triggers can be considered for diffuse hair loss. Hair loss can be an indication of nutrient and mineral deficiency, caused by an unbalanced diet, stress or depression. This can be counteracted with special cures in the form of capsules or tablets, foam, hair tonic or shampoos. According to experience reports, pharmacy drugs such as Priorin, Propecia or Pantovigar N can help with diffuse hair loss.

Effect of Pantovigar N

For example, Pantovigar N contains ingredients such as cystine, thiamine, biotin, and yeast. Cystine, a keratin-containing amino acid, is the main component of hair and makes it more resistant. Required B vitamins provide biotin (also known as vitamin H), thiamine, pantothenic acid and medicinal yeast. These active ingredients contain minerals and trace elements that nourish the hair root in the growth phase.

The complex of active ingredients contained in Pantovigar N, when taken regularly, is said to reduce hair loss and at the same time stimulate hair growth. The hair roots are stimulated and are said to form new hair cells as a result.

Tolerance, side effects and dosage

Pantovigar N is a mild-acting medicine. Like all medicines, taking Pantovigar N may cause side effects. A possible positive side effect is the strengthening and resistance of fingernails. Fingernails, like hair, consist of horn cells, for the formation of which creatine is needed. This explains the better and healthier appearance of nails after a few months.

Increased hair growth on the face is criticized as a possible negative side effect. In addition, gastrointestinal discomfort such as flatulence, diarrhea or nausea may occur during the intake period.

It is recommended to take one capsule three times a day. This should be taken unchewed with liquid at the main meals. Since the effect of Pantovigar N develops over a longer period of time, it is advised to take it for three to six months.

Pantovigar N is not a substitute for a diet rich in nutrients and fiber. A healthy lifestyle with plenty of physical activity and regular rest can have an equally positive effect on hair growth and quality.