Paratyphoid Fever: Drug Therapy

Therapy goals

  • Rehydration (fluid balance).
  • Elimination of pathogens
  • Avoidance of complications

Therapy recommendations

  • Symptomatic therapy including fluid replacement – oral rehydration for signs of dehydration (fluid deficiency; > 3% weight loss): administration of oral rehydration solutions (ORL), which should be hypotonic, between meals (“tea breaks”) for mild to moderate dehydration.
  • If necessary, balance the electrolytes (blood salts).
  • Antibiosis (antibiotics) – Quinolones (gyrase inhibitors) are considered the gold standard in terms of the number of recurrences and persistent excretions. However, a third-generation cephalosporin such as ceftriaxone should now be used if patients are not from Africa. The reason is that, with the exception of Africa, in recent years, resistance to quinolones has increased very sharply worldwide.
  • For continuous excretors: Ceftriaxone or ciprofloxacin; Dauerausscheider may not work in food professions!
  • See also under “Further therapy“.