Pelvic Floor Exercises against Urinary Incontinence

Exercising the pelvic floor is especially useful for bladder weakness and incontinence. We will show you some simple exercises of pelvic floor exercises.

How do I exercise the right muscles?

Before you start your pelvic floor exercise, it is important to identify the right muscles. The following exercise to do so:

  • Pinch the sphincter muscles together as if you wanted to stop the flow of urine.
  • When they have contracted the right muscles, you will feel a slight lifting of the muscles upward and inward under the pelvis.
  • Other parts of the body (buttocks, abdomen, inner sides of the lower legs) should not be moved during this process.

Correct muscle part recognized?

Then you’re ready to go:

  • Tighten the muscles as much as possible without stressing other muscle parts as well. Repeat up to 10 times.
  • Try to tense the muscles for 6-8 seconds at a time.
  • Perform the exercises 3 times a day.

More intensive pelvic floor workout

For a more intense workout, try the following:

  • Contract muscles for 8 seconds.
  • Subsequently, try to close the muscles even further with 3-4 times of rapid contraction.

Why just train the pelvic floor muscles?

The pelvic floor muscles are located on the inside of the pelvis. They surround the urethra, vagina and intestinal opening and, together with the sphincters, control the openings. They also ensure the correct position of the urethra. If these muscles are too slack, the urethra can sink during exertion, resulting in uncontrolled urine leakage.

Strong muscles tightly surround the bladder outlet.

Weakened muscles cannot prevent the urethra from sinking. You can train these muscles specifically and thus strengthen them. The training is efficient, has no side effects and takes no more than fifteen minutes a day.

What can I do about bladder weakness?

Simply put, bladder weakness is the inability to control the urge to urinate. Urine goes out in small or large amounts without you being able to stop it. This can have many causes.

And you are not alone: in Germany, 6 million people suffer from it. The most common form is stress incontinence. Do you know it too? When you cough, laugh, sneeze, lift heavy objects or do other physical exertion, you involuntarily pass urine without feeling the urge to go to the toilet.

But you can do something about it. Very simple, in fact: with pelvic floor training.

Exercises for the pelvic floor

There are several positions that will help you exercise your pelvic floor muscles. Just choose the position in which you can best tense the pelvic floor muscles without using other muscles.

Can anyone do it?

Yes. It’s never too late to start pelvic floor exercises. Whether you start at 40 or at 70, the only important thing is to do the exercises regularly. Make calisthenics a part of your daily life – like brushing your teeth.

You should be able to see a significant improvement after just 2-3 months. If you do not feel any improvement after 2-3 months of regular pelvic floor exercises, please consult your doctor or physiotherapist.