Penile Cancer: Therapy

General measures


The following vaccinations are advised:

  • Flu vaccination
  • Pneumococcal vaccination

Regular checkups

  • Regular follow-up examinations for early detection of recurrence (recurrence of the disease); it should be noted that most recurrences (recurrence of the disease) occur in the first 2 years; late recurrences are not excluded, but considerably less frequent.The current guideline of the European Association of Urology provides for checks every three months in the first two years, then every six months.

Nutritional medicine

  • Nutritional counseling based on nutritional analysis
  • Nutritional recommendations according to a mixed diet, taking into account the general knowledge of nutrition in a tumor disease. This means:
    • Consume only limited energy-rich foods.
    • Moderate total fat intake
    • Little red meat (pork, beef, lamb, veal) and sausages.
    • Once or twice a week fresh sea fish, ie fatty marine fish (omega-3 fatty acids) such as salmon, herring, mackerel.
    • High-fiber diet (whole grains, vegetables).
    • Daily total of 5 servings of fresh vegetables and fruits (≥ 400 g; 3 servings of vegetables and 2 servings of fruit).
    • Reduce consumption of smoked and cured foods, because they contain nitrate or nitrite as a component of curing salt. Their preparation produces compounds (nitrosamines), which are risk factors for various tumor diseases.
    • Refrain from polluted foods such as offal and wild mushrooms.
    • Do not eat moldy food
  • Observe the following special dietary recommendations:
  • Selection of appropriate food based on the nutritional analysis
  • See also under “Therapy with micronutrients (vital substances)” – if necessary, taking a suitable dietary supplement.
  • Detailed information on nutritional medicine you will receive from us.

Sports Medicine
