Penile Curvature (Penile Deviation): Therapy

General measures

  • Mechanical penile modeling: targeted penile stretching and bending exercises as directed by a physician.

Conventional non-surgical therapy methods

  • Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT): is used to directly destroy calcified structures and is thought to improve blood flow.ESWT is usually part of a multimodal approach, meaning that it is performed alongside mechanical penile modeling (targeted penile stretching and bending exercises), use of penile stretching devices and vacuum therapy when appropriate, and specific drug therapy. The procedure appears to result in faster pain relief, but no validated studies are available to demonstrate a significant effect on plaque size (size of the dermal nodules) and penile deviation.Some experts recommend drug therapy with phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors (also phosphodiesterase-V inhibitors or PDE-5 inhibitors) before performing ESWT. The PDE-5 inhibitors should lead to a reduction of fibrotic tissue (lack of data!).
  • Radiatio (radiotherapy) for induratio penis plastica (IPP) is considered obsolete/outdated! Radiation therapy for IPP is therefore strongly discouraged!

Complementary treatment methods

  • Penile extender devices and vacuum therapy: the consistent use of these therapeutic measures should help regain 2 to 3 cm of previously lost penile length within 12 months.Indication: if there has been shrinkage of the penile/tumescent length or the measured penile length is relatively short (< 12 cm).Results: Improvement of penile deviation in 50-70% of patients; also improvement of pain and penile length.