Penile Ulcer: Symptoms, Complaints, Signs

The following symptoms and complaints may occur together with penile ulcer (ulcer of the penis):

Leading symptom

  • Penile ulcer (ulcer of the penis); possible locations include:
    • Glans penis (glans penis; the interior of the glans penis is formed by the corpus spongiosum penis (synonym: corpus cavernosum glandis/glans penis) → ulcer of the corpus cavernosum penis.
    • Preputium/preeputium or prepuce (foreskin) → prepuce ulcer (in penile carcinoma, the distal prepuce; incidence (frequency of new cases) 0.5 -1.9 per 100,000 inhabitants; rare tumor entity).
    • Corpus penis (penile shaft)

Associated symptoms

  • Pain during urination (alguria).
  • Urethral discharge (urethral fluoride; urethral discharge; urethral discharge; urethrorrhea)
  • Enlarged lymph nodes in the inguinal region (groin region).

Warning signs (red flags)

  • Recurrent (reoccurring) candidabalanitis (inflammation of male glans and foreskin caused by yeast) → think of: Diabetes mellitus
  • Penile pain + balanitis (inflammation of the glans) + stuck preputium (foreskin) → think of: Penile carcinoma