Period Pain (Dysmenorrhea): Treatment and Medication

A hot water bottle or a warm bath does many sufferers good. Just take it easy on the “days” and consciously allow yourself a little time out. Try out which of the following home remedies help you.

4 Tips for period pain

Practical tips to relieve period pain are:

  • Many women swear by decramping plant teas made from lady’s mantle, goose cinquefoil or yarrow. Good experience also exists with preparations containing monk’s pepper or black cohosh, which have a cycle-regulating effect.
  • Also has a decramping effect magnesium, which you can take several times a day as an effervescent tablet.
  • Basically, gynecologists recommend regular exercise, which not only leads to better blood circulation, but also decramps and releases increased happiness hormones. Many women therefore specifically use sports against the pain – in addition, sports distracts.
  • Do you see in your complaints rather a psychological cause, autogenic training or yoga can help you. Many yoga exercises increase blood flow to the abdomen – inquire about a course at your adult education center.

Painkillers and hormones

In cases of severe discomfort, it is advisable to counteract with painkillers before the body develops a permanent memory of pain. Particularly suitable are agents that prevent the formation of the pain messenger prostaglandin. These include ibuprofen, acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) and naproxen. Paracetamol blocks the sensation of pain in the brain, but does not causally influence the formation of prostaglandin – for women with stomach problems, it can still be an alternative.

The contraceptive pill is also used to combat menstrual pain. The hormones suppress ovulation and less mucous membrane builds up in the uterus. If bleeding occurs during the one-week break from taking the pill, this is only artificially induced withdrawal bleeding due to the drop in hormones – and this does not usually lead to discomfort. If a pain memory has already developed, preparations are recommended that induce withdrawal bleeding only after a few months: Thus, the memory is gradually “erased” again.

  • Herbal preparations have a regulating effect on the cycle.
  • Well-tolerated drugs and antispasmodic agents relieve the pain.
  • Effective drugs help against depressive moods that may accompany.


Sometimes it helps to just wait and see. Often the discomfort disappears with age or after childbirth all by itself. If you have a daughter who complains of period pain, provide additional support for your child’s body image through gentle education, trusting conversations and attention.