Peru Balsam


Peru balsam is found in many countries in cold ointments, balm sticks and lip balms (Dermophil India, Peru Stick), traction ointments (Leucen) and healing ointments (Rapura, Zeller Balsam), among others. The majority of these are traditional medicines that have been on the market for decades. Some medicines also contain an artificially produced Peru balsam, Balsamum peruvianum artificale.

Stem plant

The parent plant is the balsam tree Harms. var. (Royle) Harms. native to Central America, Fabaceae.

Medicinal drug

Peru balsam (Balsamum peruvianum PhEur) is the balsam obtained from incised, swollen stems of var.

Structure and properties

Peru balsam is a viscous, dark brown, in thin layer yellowish brown, translucent liquid with an odor of cinnamon and vanilla. It is practically insoluble in water and slightly soluble in anhydrous ethanol. Peru balsam is not sticky or stringy and does not dry out.


Peru balsam contains a high proportion of esters, primarily benzyl esters of benzoic acid and cinnamic acid. The mixture is also known as cinnamein.


Peru balsam is considered to have antimicrobial, antiseptic, wound healing and antiparasitic properties.

Fields of application

  • Chapped skin, rhagades, dry lips, skin afflictions, poorly healing wounds, chilblains, scabies.
  • Diseases of the common cold
  • Hemorrhoids (Haemolan is out of trade in many countries).

Adverse effects

Peru balsam is a known contact allergen and can cause allergic contact dermatitis, phototoxic and other skin reactions. In our view, it should therefore be used with caution.