Pharyngeal Tonsil Enlargement (Adenoid Hyperplasia): Diagnostic Tests

Optional medical device diagnostics.

  • Endoscopy (reflection) of the nose and nasopharynx (nasopharyngeal cavity): rhinoscopy
    • Anterior rhinoscopy: reflection of the palate area.
    • Posterior rhinoscopy (= postrhinoscopy): reflection of the pharyngeal tonsil (tonsilla pharyngea). This is located on the roof of the nasopharynx, in the area behind the nose[enlarged and reddish, lobulated, longitudinally furrowed organ; concealed posterior opening to the nasopharynx (Choane)]Note: Choane (inner nasal opening): paired opening of the nasal cavity (Cavum nasi) into the oral or pharyngeal cavity.
  • Otoscopy (otoscopy) – to assess the tympanic membrane [tympanic membrane (Membrana tympani, Myrinx) appears retracted (withdrawn) due toventilation disorder of the Eustachi tube (Eustachian tube) triggered negative pressure in the middle ear; possibly also amber exudate / fluid accumulation].
  • Tympanometry (middle ear pressure measurement) – on suspicion of tympanic effusion (synonym: seromucotympanum) [leading finding: flat course in tympanic effusion]
  • Audiometry / sound threshold audiometry (hearing test) – in chronic otitis media (inflammation of the middle ear) to determine the baseline value of hearing loss [evidence of conductive hearing loss].
  • Acoustic evoked potentials and nystagmography – to exclude functional disorders after complicated or chronic otitis media.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) – to exclude juvenile angiofibroma; suspected malignancy.
  • Sleep apnea diagnostics