Phlebitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Phlebitis is a disease of the blood vessel system. From the name thrombophlebitis ending in -itis, it is clear that it involves inflammatory processes that can affect different age groups.

What is phlebitis?

Venous inflammation or thrombophlebitis is understood as an inflammation of the blood vessels, primarily the veins. The pathological processes in phlebitis do not affect the deep-seated veins, but rather the superficial areas. In addition, phlebitis is characterized by the fact that the areas of inflammation do not affect the entire vein, but occur in a localized manner. Veins are blood vessels that carry blood to the heart and can be partially or completely occluded by a clot due to the formation of aggregations of various proteins of the blood, especially platelets. These clumps, technically accurately termed thrombus, can lead to inflammatory changes in the surface veins.


The causes that can promote phlebitis have been studied for a long time and can be caused by both internal and external influences. Most commonly, phlebitis occurs when people suffer from impaired motor function. This may be due to a stroke, damage to extremities, or prolonged bed confinement. In addition, damage to the structures of the inner walls of the veins leads to phlebitis. Some people suffer from an abnormally high tendency to premature blood clotting. This may be caused by disorders of the clotting system and may be a risk for premature clot formation. After surgical procedures, childbirth, due to weakness of the vein walls or accidents, and as a result of diseases characterized by inflammation, as well as existing tumors, may be the cause of phlebitis.

Course of the disease

In phlebitis, different forms of the course are noticeable. Phlebitis is a disease that predominantly affects women and is manifested in the appearance of varicose veins or presents as typical signs of inflammation in a previously healthy vein. At first, these signs are rather characteristic to the extent that those affected suffer only from mild discomfort at the beginning. In addition to painful symptoms in the area of the affected vein, inflammation of the vein is accompanied by more or less severe redness, swelling and warmth in the respective region, depending on the stage. If a blood clot forms that is so large that the vein is blocked, then a so-called deep vein thrombosis develops. The corresponding area becomes hard, the skin tightens and is very sensitive to pain during manual palpation. Since the thrombus can detach and lead to a life-threatening pulmonary embolism, it is necessary to see a doctor immediately.

Symptoms, complaints, and signs

Doctors distinguish between two types of phlebitis. The site of inflammation can be either surface or deep. Depending on the design, different symptoms result. In medical terminology, inflammation at the surface is referred to as thrombophlebitis, and at the deep veins as phlebothrombosis. Pain occurs even with small muscle strains. Statistically, it is mainly the legs that are affected by phlebitis. Superficial phlebitis is manifested by reddening of the skin. Often the affected area is warm. There may also be an itchy rash. If the surface is touched lightly, pain is felt. If a bacterial infection is responsible for the phlebitis, patients usually also suffer from fever. Deep phlebitis usually appears in the leg and pelvis. Pain and feelings of tension develop there. A bluish coloration of the skin is characteristic. The vessels become conspicuously prominent. Swelling can be seen in contrast to superficial inflammation. The symptoms of phlebitis usually subside after a few days. Those who have no previous illnesses are then recovered. Severe cases last longer and are often associated with varicose veins. Venous thrombosis also causes pain for weeks.


If it is an ordinary phlebitis, complications rarely occur. Thus, this form of thrombophlebitis usually heals without consequences.However, if there is a pronounced varicose vein, surgical therapy is usually required. One of the greatest risks of phlebitis in superficial veins is that the inflammatory process spreads to the deeper vein system. If this is affected, there is an increased risk of a blood clot, which doctors call thrombosis. In extreme cases, the blood clot travels via the bloodstream to the lungs, which can then lead to blockage of vessels or a pulmonary embolism. In the worst case, this ends with the death of the patient. In addition to pulmonary embolism, a heart attack or stroke are also within the realm of possibility. To avoid complications such as pulmonary embolism, it is important to detect and treat the inflammation of the veins in good time. In around 30 percent of all patients suffering from superficial phlebitis, the deep vein system is affected. Also among the dangerous effects of phlebitis is infection of the veins. In most cases, this is an infection with bacteria. It often manifests itself at the puncture sites of permanent cannulas. It is noticeable by chills and fever. Most patients then require treatment in a hospital.

When should you go to the doctor?

Patients should always see a doctor if they have phlebitis. Although in some cases, phlebitis may heal itself, this condition should always be treated by a doctor to prevent further complications. Therefore, even at the first signs or symptoms of the disease, the affected person should contact a doctor. Early detection and treatment of this disease always has a positive effect on the further course of the symptoms. A doctor should be contacted in case of phlebitis if the affected person suffers from a rash on the skin. This is usually also associated with itching and also hurts. In severe cases, this can also lead to fever or other symptoms of a cold. Likewise, a blue discoloration of the skin may also indicate phlebitis and should be examined by a physician if it persists for a long period of time. The condition can usually be treated well by a general practitioner, so there is no reduction in the life expectancy of the sufferer.

Treatment and therapy

In the therapy of phlebitis, in addition to special drugs that inhibit the inflammatory processes in the vein, relieve the painfulness and as an internal application, as it were, external procedures are used. For the reduction of inflammation in phlebitis, a zinc glue bandage or bandages with heparin ointment can be considered in this regard. In addition, it is therapeutically important to wear compression stockings to improve and support the return flow of blood from the veins. Minimally invasive surgical procedures can be used to remove a blood clot. The focus of therapeutic care, which includes follow-up treatment of survived phlebitis, is to prevent pulmonary embolism. In this context, depending on the stage of the phlebitis, it may also be important to maintain bed rest for a short time. This is particularly the case with newly developed thromboses in the thighs.


To prevent phlebitis, it makes sense to avoid being overweight and to do as much physical exercise as possible. Use of nicotine and alcohol should be limited or avoided, and some medications, such as birth control pills, should be monitored regularly. An adequate intake of fluids and prevention with heparin after surgical procedures are also good prophylaxis against phlebitis. In principle, patients who are at high risk of developing another thrombosis are also treated preventively with the anticoagulant heparin. During the summer months, it is also important to exercise and walk, in addition to drinking plenty of fluids.

Follow-up care

In most cases, venous inflammation no longer requires direct or special measures of aftercare. The condition can usually be treated again relatively well, so there are no further complications or discomfort. However, the earlier phlebitis is detected, the better the further course of the disease usually is.Affected persons should therefore ideally consult a doctor at the first symptoms and signs. Many of those affected are dependent on taking various medications. It is always important to ensure that the medication is taken regularly and in the correct dosage in order to counteract the symptoms properly and permanently. In addition, those affected should wear compression stockings in order to heal the phlebitis completely. In case of any uncertainties, questions or side effects, a doctor should be consulted first. The affected person should generally rest and take it easy with this disease, and in severe cases, strict bed rest should also be observed. The support and help of one’s family can also be very helpful in alleviating the discomfort. In most cases, phlebitis does not reduce the life expectancy of the affected person.

What you can do yourself

There are some home remedies that can be helpful for phlebitis. Home remedies that can be used to cool and regress the inflammation are, for example, curd compresses. For this purpose, cold curd should be applied to the affected areas in the thickness of a finger on a wrapping cloth or even pure curd. Such wraps have a decongestant and anti-inflammatory effect. But not only curd, also medicinal alcohol and apple cider vinegar can be used for soothing cooling in the case of phlebitis. But first they should be diluted with water. Cloths are then soaked in the diluted liquid and wrapped around the affected area. The effect is very relaxing and noticeably relieves the discomfort of phlebitis. In addition, clay can also be used as a soothing clay pack. The clay has a particularly anti-inflammatory as well as decongestant effect. It should be mixed with water until it becomes a paste and then applied to the affected areas in a finger-thick layer. Since many smaller blood clots are formed in phlebitis, they should be prevented from becoming larger if possible. This can be achieved by speeding up blood circulation. The use of compression bandages or support stockings can help here. If possible, more exercise should also be incorporated into everyday life. Light walking, swimming, cycling and walking are best for phlebitis.