Phosphorus | Homeopathy for gallstones


Prescription only up to and including D3! Typical dosage of phosphorus for gallstones: Tablets D6 Pulsatilla

  • Great nervous hyperexcitability, fear, jitteriness
  • Sensitive to noise and odors
  • Finally mental apathy, depression
  • Quickly exhausted by mental effort. Desire for frequent small meals, hunger pain with burning in the stomach and shaky weakness
  • The abdomen is usually distended with an enlarged liver, defecation rather diarrhea-like and painless followed by weakness

Iris versicolor (Multicolored Iris)

Typical dosage of iris versicolor (multicolored iris) for gallstones: Tablets D6

  • Acid complaints with heartburn and salivation
  • Burning in the stomach and acidic vomiting of large quantities
  • Colicky pain in the liver area often occurs together with migraine attacks, especially when the patient comes to rest (Sunday migraine).