Physiotherapy at ISG Complaints during pregnancy

The actively non-moving joint connects the spine with the pelvis and is secured by a strong ligamentous apparatus. It plays a decisive role in our posture, as it distributes the weight of the upper body to the hip joints and legs when standing. When sitting, it transfers the weight to the ischial tuberosities and the floor. During pregnancy, due to hormonal changes and the additional weight, this joint can become blocked, the ISG blockage.


The therapy for an ISG blockade during pregnancy is determined by the treating physician and depends on the course of the pregnancy in addition to the symptoms. The well-being of the pregnant woman and the child is always the highest priority.

  • Not all treatment measures that would normally be used for ISG blockade can be used during pregnancy.

    For example, the doctor normally injects an anaesthetic drug, such as cortisone, directly into the site of the pain. However, most painkillers pose a risk to the unborn child, so that they should be avoided if possible.

  • Special care must also be taken with manipulative and mobilizing techniques. Although they can improve the mobility of the ISG joint and relieve the pain, these techniques can also trigger premature labor!
  • The most important treatment measure is physical activity despite and precisely because of the complaints.

    Exercise promotes blood circulation and can thus remove substances that cause inflammation and relieve pain. Simple relaxation exercises, such as lying down with your legs in the air, riding a bicycle or carefully tilting your pelvis, can effectively relieve the pain. It is best if the pregnant woman is accompanied and instructed by an experienced physiotherapist.

  • Heat treatments using fango, heat plasters, hot water bottles or infrared lamps can also help to relieve pain.

    Warmth is particularly effective for additional muscle tensions. In addition, pregnant women can also perform self-massage with a hedgehog ball or tennis ball. In addition it puts itself in back position on a mat and places the ball under the painful place. Now the pregnant woman can determine the pressure with which she massages the pain area with light movements.