Physiotherapy/exercises for a calcified shoulder | TreatmentPhysiotherapy for a calcified shoulder

Physiotherapy/exercises for a calcified shoulder

In order to treat a calcified shoulder, there are a number of exercises that can be performed by those affected. The exercises aim to relieve the pain and to maintain and improve the mobility of the shoulder. The exercises should first be performed under the supervision of an experienced physiotherapist.

1.) Shoulder mobilitySit straight and upright on a chair or stand up straight. Tense your abdominal muscles but be careful not to fall into a hollow back.

Now cross your arms behind your back. The palms of your hands should point inwards if possible. Now lift the crossed arms as far as possible and hold the position for 20 seconds.

3 repetitions with short pauses. 2.) Shoulder mobilityStand straight and upright.

Bring the arms in a U-position so that the elbows are at shoulder level and the fingertips/hands are pointing to the ceiling. Now fold your arms down so that your fingertips/hands are facing the floor. The elbows remain at shoulder level when turning.

10 repetitions. 3.) Strengthen musclesStand in front of a wall with outstretched arms.

The palms of your hands rest on the wall. Now bend your arms as if you were doing push-ups on the wall. Do 10 repetitions.

4.) Stretching the shoulder girdleInterlace your fingers in front of your chest. The elbows are at shoulder level.

Now pull your arms apart until you feel a tension in the shoulder girdle area. Hold this tension for 20 seconds. 5.)

Stretch the shoulder areas or sit up straight and upright. Put the bent arm behind your head. With the other hand, grasp the bent arm at the elbow and pull it towards the opposite ear. If you feel a stretch, hold it for 20 seconds.More exercises for the shoulder can be found in the articles:

  • Exercises for the rotator cuff
  • Mobilization Exercises
  • Agility training