Physiotherapy for a patella luxation

A patella luxation (patella dislocation) is often caused by a jerky movement of the knee outside the knee joint axis. This results in an outward displacement of the patella. Patella dysplasia or too flat condyles are often the cause of a patella dislocation. Changes in the patella itself and a genu valgum, as well as a ligamentous apparatus that is too weak can promote a patella dislocation. In most cases, repositioning occurs due to the extension of the knee joint.


In the case of a patella dislocation, the muscle apparatus which aligns the patella outwards is usually poorly developed. This should be built up by appropriate strengthening exercises. The affected muscles are the adductors, M. Sartorius, M. Vastus medialis of the M. Quadriceps femoris, whereby only the M. Vastus medialis runs directly over the patella.

The other medial muscles align the leg axis correctly so that the patella cannot deviate. Exercises from “Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Fasciation” (PNF), bridging with a ball between the knees to activate the centrally located structures or leg axis training in gait school are possibilities for strengthening. A gait analysis is recommended as a possible cause.

The therapist looks at the complete rolling movement and can detect a possible deviation of the knee joint axis. A gait analysis would be just as advisable in order to uncover errors in faster movements as well. In addition, attention should be paid to improving the stabilization of the knee joint.

Exercises on uneven surfaces with combined leg axis training are particularly suitable for this purpose. Hypertonus (increased tension) of the external muscles should be alleviated by soft tissue techniques to reduce the pull from the outside. In the acute phase, decongestant lymph drainage or ice treatment can be used. If there is pain in the patella area, a cross-friction treatment (massage and stretching of certain pain points) can be used to improve the blood circulation in the area and thus initiate a metabolic process.