Physiotherapy for neurological diseases

Neurological diseases affect the nervous system of our body. Our nervous system is divided into: The CNS is formed by the brain and the spinal cord. The peripheral (“distant”, “remote”) nervous system from all nerve tracts of our body, which, coming from the spinal cord, pulls into any area of our body and transmits information from the periphery to the center or vice versa commands from the brain to their destination.

Both parts of the nervous system can be affected by different diseases and injuries, with very different effects and degrees of severity.

  • CNS (Central Nervous System)
  • PNS (Peripheral Nervous System)

In physiotherapy, work is done to regain functions that were damaged by the disease. Depending on the affected area and its characteristics, movements, motor skills, balance, emotional perception and much more are trained here.

The following is a list of articles with common neurological disorders:

  • Therapy for cluster headaches
  • Physiotherapy for spasticity
  • Physiotherapy for Multiple Sclerosis
  • Physiotherapy for Parkinson’s disease
  • Physiotherapy for a stroke
  • Physiotherapy Myelopathy
  • Physiotherapy Sudeck’s disease
  • Physiotherapy for muscular dystrophy
  • Physiotherapy for polyneuropathy

Depending on the symptoms of the clinical picture, the main physiotherapeutic goal of muscle building is determined. However, exercises and resistances have to be adjusted exactly, because overloading can turn into the opposite and cause even more weakness. Adapted strength training and light endurance training are suitable for improving performance. In the following you will find some articles with exercises for neurological diseases.

  • Multiple Sclerosis exercises
  • Exercises for a stroke
  • Exercises for muscular dystrophy
  • Spasticity after stroke – therapy
  • Physiotherapy Multiple Sclerosis
  • Stroke symptoms
  • Physiotherapy for muscle twitches