Polymyositis: Symptoms, Complaints, Signs

The following symptoms and complaints may indicate polymyositis (inflammatory disease of the muscles):

Main symptoms

  • Symmetrical muscle weakness (especially of proximal extremity muscles/upper arms and thighs, or shoulder/pelvic girdle).
  • Muscle soreness myalgias (muscle pain).
  • Sclerosis (hardening) and atrophy of shoulder/upper arm and pelvic/thigh muscles.
  • Affected individuals are unable to raise their arms above their head and/or have difficulty climbing stairs, standing up.
  • Arthralgias (joint pain) – in 25-50% of sufferers.

Secondary symptoms

  • Fatigue
  • Fever
  • Possible: Raynaud’s syndrome (circulatory problems in the hands or feet caused by vasospasm (vascular spasms)) (20% to 40% of cases)

Involvement of internal organs is possible:

  • Esophagus (esophagus): dysphagia (30% of cases).
  • Heart: interstitial myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) (30% of cases) – tachycardia (heartbeat too fast: > 100 beats per minute) and changes in the ECG are possible.
  • Lungs: alveolitis (disease of the lung tissue and alveoli (alveoli)), fibrosis (abnormal increase in connective tissue of the lungs) (30% of cases).