Polyuria (Increased Urination): Symptoms, Complaints, Signs

The following symptoms and complaints may occur together with polyuria (increased urination):

Leading symptom

  • Polyuria (pathological/diseased increased urine output; volume varies between > 1.5-3 l/day depending on doctrine).

Associated symptoms

  • Polydipsia (pathological/diseased increased thirst; > 4 liters of fluid intake per day).

Warning signs (red flags)

  • Anamnestic information:
    • Diabetes mellitus (in anorexia (loss of appetite) + nausea (nausea) + vomiting → think of: Diabetic coma)
    • Thyroid disease
  • Urine sediment:
    • Glucose negative → think of: Diabetes insipidus (hormone deficiency-related disorder in hydrogen metabolism leading to extremely high urine excretion (polyuria; 5-25 l/day) due to impaired concentration capacity of the kidneys), hypercalcemia (calcium excess).
    • Microhematuria (presence of blood in the urine (hematuria), which can be detected microscopically ort by means of test strips) or proteinuria (increased excretion of protein with the urine) → think of: Kidney disease very likely