Pomuscle exercises at home | Pomuscle training

Pomuscle exercises at home

For these exercises you do not need any aids, but only work against gravity with your own body weight. Abduction while lying down: in a lateral position, the forearm supports the upper body. The upper leg is slowly lifted and lowered again.

Lunge: a lunge is made and then the front leg is bent. This flexion is performed until the knee of the rear, stretched leg almost touches the floor. Climber: the starting position is the push-up.

One leg is pulled straight towards the chest and then the knee touches the ground briefly. Then it is brought back into the stretched position. Burpee: the exercise starts with a push-up.

When the arms are stretched again, the feet jump forward towards the chest and you stand upright. Straightening up goes directly into a jump upwards with arms stretched. Then the hands go back to the floor and the feet jump back into the push-up.

Good morning: the starting position is standing, the hands are either crossed over the chest or, for advanced students, stretched over the head. With the back straight, the upper body moves forward until it is in a horizontal position. Then it is stretched back to the upright position.

Hip lifting: in supine position, the arms are next to the body and the legs stand vertically towards the ceiling. Then the hip is slowly raised so that the buttocks do not touch the floor, and then lowered again. Hip stretching: in the quadruped position one leg is pulled towards the chest.

Then it is stretched completely backwards, held briefly and then led back again. Knee bends: the feet are positioned a little further than hip-wide next to each other. The legs are bent slowly with a straight back until the thighs are parallel to the ground.

Then straighten up again.

  • Abduction while lying down: in the lateral position the forearm supports the upper body. The upper leg is slowly lifted and lowered again.
  • Lunge: a lunge is made and then the front leg is bent.

    This flexion is performed until the knee of the rear, stretched leg almost touches the ground.

  • Mountaineer: the starting position is the push-up. One leg is pulled straight towards the chest and then touches the ground briefly with the knee. Afterwards it is brought back into the stretching position.
  • Burpee: the exercise begins with a push-up.

    When the arms are stretched out again, the feet jump forward towards the chest and one straightens up. The straightening up goes directly into a jump upwards with stretched arms. Then the hands go back to the floor and the feet jump back into the push-up.

  • Good Morning: the starting position is standing, the hands are either crossed over the chest or, for advanced players, stretched over the head.

    With the back straight, the upper body moves forward until it is in a horizontal position. Then it is stretched back to the upright position.

  • Hip lifting: in supine position the arms are next to the body and the legs are perpendicular to the ceiling. Then the hips are slowly raised so that the bottom does not touch the floor, and then lowered again.
  • Hip stretches: in the quadruped position, one leg is pulled towards the chest. Then it is stretched completely backwards, held briefly and then guided back again.
  • Knee bends: the feet stand a little wider than hip-wide side by side.With a straight back, the legs are slowly bent until the thighs are parallel to the ground. Then straighten up again.