Posiformin® 2% eye ointment


Posiformin® 2% Eye Ointment is an eye ointment with a primarily anti-inflammatory effect and can therefore be used for non-infectious inflammation of the eye (e.g. conjunctiva or cornea) and the eyelids. The eye ointment is usually available at the pharmacy and can be used to alleviate the symptoms even without a medical consultation. However, the responsible pharmacist should be consulted about the exact application when buying in a pharmacy. If the symptoms do not improve with Posiformin® 2% eye ointment, a doctor’s office should be consulted.

Indications for Posiformin® 2% eye ointment

Posiformin® 2% Eye Ointment is an eye ointment that has a disinfecting effect primarily on the external structures of the eye such as the eyelid. Other structures such as the conjunctiva and cornea can also be treated with Posiformin® 2% Eye Ointment. Posiformin® 2% Eye Ointment is particularly suitable for irritations of these tissues.

For example, the ointment can be used in cases of non-infectious conjunctivitis. Chronic or acute inflammation of the eyelid margin are also indications for Posiformin® 2% Eye Ointment. These inflammatory diseases include, for example, inflammation of the eyelid margin (blepharitis).

Inflammation of sebaceous glands on the eyelid (hailstones) may also be an indication for the use of Posiformin® 2% Eye Ointment. In addition, Posiformin® 2% Eye Ointment may also be suitable as a therapeutic agent for fresh corneal injuries. However, since corneal injuries lead to permanent visual impairment if not treated well, a physician should be consulted first if corneal injury is suspected.

Afterwards, the doctor may recommend the use of Posiformin® 2% eye ointment. However, Posiformin® 2% Eye Ointment is not suitable as the sole treatment option for inflammatory diseases. If a known pathogen is present, a causal therapy should be carried out.

If necessary, Posiformin® 2% Eye Ointment can also be used to alleviate symptoms. Hailstones (chalazion) are local inflammations of the edge of an eyelid. This leads to a blockage of a sebaceous gland, for example where an eyelash comes out of the skin.

Due to the blockage, the sebaceous gland cannot transport its sebum (a fatty secretion that keeps the eyelashes supple) any further to the eyelashes and a congestion of the sebum occurs. This can lead to an inflammation of the affected sebaceous gland. However, this is not caused by an additional pathogen such as bacteria or viruses. Since it is a non-infectious acute or even chronic inflammation of the eyelid margin, Posiformin® 2% Eye Ointment is well suited for therapy.