Positive side effects | Tribulus Terrestris side effects

Positive side effects

However, besides the negative side effects, there are also positive side effects. The plant influences the production of many male hormones and can thus have an effect on fertility. These hormones include LH (luteinizing hormone), testosterone and the follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). The male sex hormone testosterone is known to increase muscle mass and strength, speed up recovery and strengthen the immune system and stamina. It also has good side effects on endurance, increasing stamina, helping the body to reduce tissue water and lowering cholesterol levels.


In summary one can say to the side effects of TT that not yet sufficient realizations were compiled, in order to know exactly about the side effects. There are scientific studies too few, and/or usually also only short time studies. Long-term studies do not occur however nearly at all.

Reports on the various side effects usually only occur at very high doses and often only in individual cases. Nevertheless, you should consult a doctor before taking this substance in order to clarify all risks and exclude certain interactions with other drugs or supplements.