Potassium iodate

Other term

potassium iodide

Application of potassium iodatum for the following diseases in homeopathy

  • Asthma
  • Arteriosclerosis
  • Fear

Application of potassium iodatum for the following complaints

  • Chronic bronchitis with persistent cough
  • Runny nose
  • Emaciation despite ravenous appetite
  • Palpitations
  • Fast pulse
  • Tremble
  • Goiter formation
  • Inner restlessness
  • Urge to move
  • Mentally lively, but erratic and forgetful, nervous, irritable.
  • Constant heat and fever
  • Swollen glands
  • Aggravation of the symptoms due to wetness and cold and when lying on the sick side.

Dr. Schüssler’s theory assumes that certain behavioral patterns and compulsive character traits result in an increased consumption of certain salts. A deficiency of a certain salt can thus indicate certain psychological or character difficulties for an experienced therapist. According to this doctrine, a deficiency of potassium iodatum can occur especially in people who have an excessive sense of duty and thus appear tense and stiff.

Because of the feeling of wanting to please everyone and at the same time not meeting their own high, self-imposed demands, such people are quickly frustrated and have depressive tendencies. Often they cry quickly. Moodiness and aggression can also be expressed. An administration of potassium iodatum can then replenish the body’s own stores of this salt and relieve the suffering of the person concerned. However, it is also necessary to work on these behaviours in order to eliminate the cause of the deficiency symptoms.

Effect of potassium iodatum

Schüssler Salt No. 15, Potassium iodatum, consists of potassium, a substance found in relatively high concentrations throughout the body, and iodine. Iodine is stored in the body mainly in the thyroid gland and is fundamental for its function.

The thyroid gland has a major influence on the body’s metabolism. Hypothyroidism can therefore manifest itself through weight gain, loss of appetite, fatigue, frequent freezing and low blood pressure, but also through thin, brittle hair and brittle nails. An overactive thyroid gland can manifest itself accordingly in opposite symptoms such as inexplicable weight loss, increased sweating, restlessness, a sometimes noticeably high blood pressure and rapid heartbeat.

As Schüssler salt, potassium iodatum is mostly used to regulate the thyroid gland function, often also as a supplement to the drug therapy prescribed by the doctor. In general, it is said to have a regulating and balancing effect on the body’s metabolic processes. In addition, it is also said to have a pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effect, which this salt develops mainly in connective tissue structures such as muscles, tendons, skin and mucous membrane.

This results in a further field of application for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the skin, mucous membrane, tendons or joints. As potassium iodatum is a so-called supplemental salt, it is known to have a good effect with one of the functional salts or supplements and enhances the effect of one of them. Next topic might be helpful for you: Treatment of hypothyroidism

  • Central Nervous System
  • Mucous membranes of the upper airways
  • Lymph glands
  • Thyroid gland