Pregnancy | Edema leg


Especially in women, edema often occurs depending on the menstrual cycle. Many women have slight edema during menstruation, some women have the same symptoms at the time of ovulation. Some women also suffer from edema during the menopause.This makes it clear that edema is also associated with hormones.

Since the female hormone balance is subject to a strong change during pregnancy, edema can occur in the course of this change during pregnancy and especially in the last third of pregnancy. These occur mainly in the extremities: hands, feet, legs, but also in the face. The edema is aggravated during pregnancy by clothing that is too tight and long periods of sitting and standing.

A combination of light exercise and resting phases with the legs in a raised position also has a soothing effect on pregnancy edema. Cold showers or swimming also reduce the symptoms. In addition, pregnant women should wear support and compression stockings, also to prevent thrombosis.

Edema during pregnancy is not a cause for concern in most cases. Under no circumstances, however, should the pregnant woman attempt to reduce the edema on her own or follow a low-salt diet. In such cases, a specialist in gynecology should be consulted, who will find a way to reduce the edema without harming the child. Edema becomes pathological, however, when it is accompanied by high blood pressure and proteinuria. In this case, the gynecologist in charge should be consulted urgently to prevent gestation.


Even in summer, many people are plagued by “heavy legs”. The edema occurs in summer because the body wants to give off heat. It tries to do this by dilating the vessels.

As the vessels dilate, fluid also enters the tissue. This phenomenon is intensified when we stand or sit a lot. It is especially important to drink enough in summer. Simple means provide relief. Regular light exercise, cooling by showering, swimming or cold compresses and putting your legs up.