Pregnancy: What to Consider?

Pregnancy – especially the first – is a very special time for the expectant parents, which is associated with many challenges and a major change in many things in life. You can find out what to bear in mind here.

9 Tips for a healthy pregnancy

  1. Attend all preventive checkups with your doctor regularly.
  2. The development of the child in the womb is disturbed by smoking and alcohol. During pregnancy, but also during breastfeeding, you should therefore refrain from smoking and from alcohol.
  3. Medications that you take are usually also absorbed by the developing child. Therefore, you should take medication during pregnancy only after consultation with your doctor.
  4. During pregnancy, even trivial illnesses can cause problems, so ask your doctor if you experience any health problems.
  5. A healthy diet is extremely important for both mother and child. The phrase that during pregnancy should be eaten for two, does not apply. It is much more important to eat particularly high-quality foods: plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains. It is also important to cover the increased need for minerals, vitamins and trace elements. Especially the folic acid supply – even before pregnancy – and iodine supply should be sufficiently high.
  6. Exercise, especially in fresh air, promotes blood circulation and also helps your circulation.
  7. To prepare for the birth, it makes sense to inform yourself early about different options for delivery. So you can calmly choose the best method for you.
  8. There is also the opportunity to learn relaxation and breathing methods in various courses during pregnancy to prepare for childbirth. Also, a better understanding of what happens in the body during childbirth can take away many fears.
  9. Not to be forgotten are practical tips for the period after birth. Again, who knows what is important, can look forward to breastfeeding and the new stage of life.

What to do about nausea and vomiting?

About one-third of all pregnancies are accompanied by nausea or vomiting – especially in the first months. In severe forms of pregnancy erbr ebr e, the doctor must be consulted. Otherwise, a few tips will help to get through this time better:

  • Many small meals throughout the day do not stress the stomach as well as blood sugar as much as three large meals.
  • If you are plagued by morning sickness, it is best to eat a rusk or a slice of bread while still in bed.

What to do about back pain?

Back pain is more common during pregnancy because there is more weight on the spine. This more weight, as well as frequently taken unnatural postures of pregnant women then lead to back pain.

Tips against back pain:

  • Bed rest, relief of the spine
  • Targeted gymnastics, swimming
  • Physiotherapy
  • Comfortable shoes and regular breaks

What to do about stretch marks?

More than two-thirds of all pregnant women get stretch marks during their pregnancy. Characteristics are bluish to brown-red stripes, which are caused by the stretching of the subcutaneous fatty tissue. Affected areas are mostly the abdomen, but also thighs, hips and breasts can be affected.

Tips against stretch marks:

  • Exercise such as gymnastics or swimming before and during pregnancy are excellent preventive measures.
  • Dry brushing
  • Cold showering
  • Special creams against stretch marks help maintain the elasticity of the skin.