Pregnant and Cold: This is What you Should Be Aware of

A cold during pregnancy raises questions for many expectant mothers: Is the cold dangerous for the baby? When should I go to the doctor? Can I work with a cold or should I take a sick leave? We answer the most important questions about colds during pregnancy.

Why do I have a cold all the time?

Many women have frequent colds during pregnancy. This is not unusual, because the immune system must eventually protect two people and is therefore more stressed than usual. This also makes it more vulnerable to cold viruses. So it’s no wonder that many women feel like they have a cold the entire pregnancy.

Is a cold dangerous during pregnancy?

Pregnant and have a cold? This is no reason to panic. A normal cold during pregnancy is not bad and usually does not harm the baby. Still, there are a few things pregnant women should keep in mind. Since the immune system already has enough to deal with during pregnancy, a cold is not only particularly stressful for expectant mothers, it also makes them susceptible to further infections (so-called secondary infections). So if you have a cold, pregnant women should be especially careful not to come into contact with germs and therefore prefer to avoid crowds. As a general rule, pay attention to the signs your body is showing and, if in doubt, consult a doctor. If you have a cold shortly before the due date, the baby may be delayed because the mother-to-be’s body is initially focused on fighting the cold.

Will the common cold harm the baby?

A cold during pregnancy is usually neither harmful nor contagious to the baby. The cold viruses attack mainly the upper respiratory tract and the lining of the mother’s nose and throat. Her immune system prevents the viruses from penetrating deeper into the body and reaching the baby. In addition, babies in the womb are protected from pathogens by the mother’s antibodies, known as nest protection. Pregnant women also do not have to worry about hurting their baby when they cough or sneeze. The shock is cushioned by the amniotic fluid, so babies feel no more than a sway from it.

When to see a doctor with a cold?

A mild cold does not require a visit to the doctor, even during pregnancy. However, caution is advised if the cold is accompanied by a fever. Short bouts of fever are not yet a cause for concern. If, on the other hand, the temperature remains above 39 degrees Celsius for several days, premature labor is possible. If the fever does not go away on its own, you should see a doctor after two days at the latest. In addition, pregnant women should consult a doctor if they already have another illness, if the cold lasts longer than a week, or if they suspect they have the flu. Signs of flu may include chills and muscle aches. A visit to the doctor is also advisable if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • Severe cough, as this can trigger premature labor.
  • Fever associated with abdominal pain
  • Bloody or purulent secretion or sputum
  • Prolonged difficulty breathing or extreme weakness
  • Sudden onset and rapid worsening of symptoms
  • Particularly severe symptoms or pain

Which doctor to see?

Often there is uncertainty about which doctor is responsible for a cold during pregnancy: family doctor or gynecologist. In principle, it does not matter which doctor you go to. If your family doctor is unsure about what to consider in the specific case of pregnancy, he will refer you to your gynecologist.

Rule out other viral infections

Some viral infections cause symptoms similar to those of the common cold and therefore are often not recognized right away. For example, cytomegalovirus (CMV), a member of the herpes family of viruses, causes headaches and swollen lymph nodes in a healthy adult but can be life-threatening to your child. The virus that causes ringworm also appears to cause a harmless cold at first, but is dangerous to the baby. Therefore, if the cold is accompanied by fever and rash, pregnant women should consult a doctor.

Go to work despite having a cold?

When pregnant women have a cold, they should rest and prefer to take it easy for a few days so as not to spread the infection.If you feel too sick to go to work, it’s better to take a sick leave.

Are pregnant women allowed to take medicines?

As a basic rule, you should avoid taking medicines as much as possible during pregnancy. Also some herbal agents, homeopathic remedies and some home remedies can harm the baby. Therefore, find out which remedies you can use and preferably ask a doctor or alternative practitioner for advice.

Preventing colds during pregnancy

A cold during pregnancy is unpleasant and puts a strain on the immune system. Therefore, it is best not to let it get that far in the first place. Here’s how you can prevent a cold:

  • If possible, keep your distance from people with colds and large crowds, but also from things that may have come into contact with the pathogens, such as door handles and railings.
  • Wash your hands more often and thoroughly.
  • If your partner has a cold, refrain from kissing and do not share the same dishes. To not spread the pathogens unnecessarily, your partner should immediately dispose of his used tissues in a closed trash can.
  • Remember to ventilate the rooms thoroughly!
  • Strengthen your immune system by eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins and drink enough.
  • Give yourself regular exercise (preferably in the fresh air) and avoid stress.

Flu in pregnancy

Unlike a cold, also known as a flu-like infection, influenza can have dire consequences for pregnant women and their babies. As pregnancy progresses, the risk of severe flu progression and complications, such as pneumonia, increases. Miscarriage and premature birth are also possible. For this reason, flu vaccination is recommended for pregnant women from the second trimester of pregnancy. Under certain circumstances, it is also advisable already in early pregnancy. The flu vaccination is considered risk-free and should be done in time before the start of the winter season.

Breastfeeding with a cold – what to consider?

Even for breastfeeding mothers, a mild cold is not a problem. Since babies also absorb antibodies with their mother’s milk, mothers with a cold usually cannot infect their child. Of course, you should still be careful not to sneeze or cough on your baby. Take good care of yourself when you have a cold while breastfeeding. Your body needs plenty of rest and a nutrient-rich diet. Just as with a cold during pregnancy, if you have a fever or a severe cold while breastfeeding, you’d better see a doctor.