Presbyopia: Surgical Therapy

The following surgical procedures may be used for presbyopia:

  • Multifocal intraocular lenses (multifocal lens implants; multifocal lenses, multifocal lenses) – used for people who were previously nearsighted or farsighted; studies show that 70 percent of patients with multifocal lenses can do without distance and reading glasses.
  • Pinhole, the so-called “Kamra inlay” – plastic disc with a diameter of 3.8 millimeters, which contains a 1.6 millimeter small hole in the center. The inlay is inserted under local anesthesia (local anesthesia) into a pocket in the cornea, which we will create beforehand with a laser beam. Another option is implantation as part of the Lasik surgery to correct refractive error; studies show that about 80 percent of patients with a pinhole can manage without reading glasses in good lighting.
  • Studies are currently testing the “AcuFocus presbyopia implant”