Prevent Thrombosis

In thrombosis, a vein is partially or completely blocked by a blood clot. There can be several causes for this. It is important to distinguish the term deep vein thrombosis from arterial thrombosis. This is because a blood clot forms in an artery, which can result in a heart attack or stroke. Read here how thrombosis develops and how you can reduce your risk of thrombosis.

Risk groups

People who are bedridden and smokers who take birth control pills are particularly at risk. Various diseases and certain medications can also increase the risk of thrombosis. With us, you can learn what causes thrombosis can have and how you can lower your risk of thrombosis with preventive measures.

How thrombosis occurs

Three factors play a role in the development of thrombosis of the deep veins:

  1. Damage to the vessel wall – such as from phlebitis, injury, or surgery – activates platelets, promoting their clumping together to form a clot.
  2. A turbulence or slowing of the blood flow, for example in varicose veins or long bedriddenness also causes the platelets to clump together more. This also explains why the risk of thrombosis is increased after long journeys by plane, train or car. Because when sitting for a long time, the popliteal vein is kinked and thus the blood flow in the legs is reduced.
  3. A change in blood composition can also promote the development of thrombosis. On the one hand, this can be due to various hereditary diseases with a tendency to blood clotting (thrombophilia) or malignant tumors. On the other hand, a lack of fluid (“dehydration“) can make the blood more viscous, which also makes it easier for blood clots to form.

Immobilization and bedriddenness as causes.

An important risk factor for the development of thrombosis is immobilization of extremities, such as after surgery or injury. This is because the lack of muscle activity slows the return flow of blood and clots can easily form. For this reason, patients who are in bed for a long time or wearing a cast because of an illness or after an operation are usually prescribed thrombosis injections. There is also slowed blood flow in the veins in severe heart failure or chronic venous insufficiency, which promotes thrombosis.

Dangerous combination: smoking and birth control pills

Hormonal factors can also contribute to the development of thrombosis. For example, the female sex hormone estrogen has an effect on certain clotting factors, making the blood clot more easily. Pregnant women and women who use estrogen-containing drugs such as the contraceptive pill or vaginal rings therefore have an increased risk of thrombosis. This is further significantly increased by smoking, because nicotine also contributes to the activation of blood clotting.

Thrombophilia: disease with risk of thrombosis.

A thrombophilia refers to an increased tendency for blood to clot, which is associated with an increased risk of thrombosis. Some of these clotting disorders are hereditary – usually involving a genetic defect in the clotting system. Other thrombophilias develop only in the course of life, for example as a consequence of other diseases such as liver cirrhosis or as a side effect of therapy with heparin. Blood disorders such as polycythaemia vera or essential thrombocythemia, in which the number of platelets is increased, also entail an increased risk of thrombosis. In addition, the following factors may contribute to an increase in the risk of thrombosis:

Reduce risk – actively prevent thrombosis

To prevent thrombosis, there are several options, but they can only be used when the risk of thrombosis is increased:

  • Mobilization: after surviving an illness or surgery, bed rest should be observed only if absolutely necessary and physiotherapy should be started early.However, be sure to discuss with your doctor or physiotherapist beforehand how much you may strain.
  • Compression: during a hospital stay, bedridden patients are usually prescribed thrombosis stockings. For people with a generally increased risk of thrombosis, it may be appropriate to wear compression stockings in everyday life as well.
  • Thrombosis injections: If there is a limited load-bearing capacity of an extremity after injury or surgery, a medicinal thrombosis prophylaxis with anticoagulant drugs is usually carried out for a few weeks. In most cases, heparin is used, which is injected under the skin once or twice a day. Newer anticoagulant agents such as rivaroxaban or dabigatran are also available in tablet form.
  • Anticoagulation: after a survived thrombosis, a longer-term therapy with so-called vitamin K antagonists, such as Marcumar, is usually started to prevent a recurrence. These drugs inhibit the vitamin K-dependent formation of certain clotting factors and can thus prevent the development of a new thrombosis.
  • Thrombophilia diagnostics: if thrombosis occurs repeatedly in younger patients, diagnostics to exclude thrombophilia or another disease may be useful under certain circumstances.
  • Gymnastics: during long-distance flights or long car, bus or train journeys, you should pay attention to regular exercise to prevent thrombosis. On the plane, stand up as often as possible and walk a few steps if possible. You can do simple exercises in your seat: Quickly alternate between stretching and tightening your feet for 30 seconds, or try to pick things up off the floor with your toes. On car trips, get out during breaks and do some loosening and stretching exercises.

Eliminate risk factors

Minimize your risk of thrombosis as much as possible: if you are a smoker and cannot or do not want to stop smoking, you should choose an estrogen-free contraceptive method if possible. It is best to seek advice on this from your gynecologist. If you are overweight, you should try to lose some weight – this way you will also do something good for your health in general.