Prevention of reddened eyes | Red eyes – what helps?

Prevention of reddened eyes

  • “Artificial tears” (disposable ampoules from the pharmacy) for wetting dry eyes. Eye drops of the medicinal plant Euphrasia also help to calm stressed eyes. The eye drops should not contain preservatives, dyes or alcohol and are also suitable for contact lens wearers.
  • Even when working long hours on the screen, you should make sure to blink often enough.

    This involves moistening the eyes with the body’s own tear fluid.

  • Drink plenty of water (2 liters a day is optimal), because this supports healthy blood circulation of the retina and the optic nerves, which keeps the eye moist from the inside.
  • Indoor plants and humidifiers are helpful against dry heating air. In addition, regular airing has a good effect on the air humidity. It is ideal to take regular breaks in the fresh air.
  • Through constant