Prevention through naturopathy | How can a stroke be prevented?

Prevention through naturopathy

While naturopathy plays no role in the acute therapy of a stroke, one can certainly fall back on it in the aftercare or also for the prevention of a stroke. A well-known food supplement is for example Ginkgo biloba. It is used to improve the blood circulation in cases of circulatory disorders.

Garlic is also recommended for the prevention of strokes. If the smell bothers you, you are advised to take dietary supplements with garlic extract. Homeopathic medicines are also used to prevent strokes.

These include Acidum hydrocyanicum and hydrofluoricum, as well as Glonoinum, various potassium compounds (chloratum, nitricum, phosphoricum) and Xanthocylum fraxineum. For self-selected homeopathic remedies, the potencies D6 and D12 are recommended. Consultation with a homeopathic practitioner is however advisable.

Prevention through home remedies

There are also various home remedies that are used to reduce the risk of stroke. For example, teas made from birch leaves, lady’s mantle, nettle, arnica, field horsetail, yarrow, silverware and lavender are recommended A teaspoon of a mixture should be brought to the boil in a cup of water After 15 minutes of infusion you can drink the tea before eating. There is also a herbal wine mixture that can be drunk three times a day.

Here one mixes angelica root, sage, bertram root, hyssop, rosemary, clove root and marjoram. Take a quantity of this mixture, which is about the width of three fingers, and boil it up with a cup of cider. Another recommendation is to take alternating baths regularly.