Price | Kijimea® Derma


There are different prices for Kijimea® Derma, depending on package size and supplier. The product can be purchased in pharmacies as well as various online pharmacies and stores. The smallest package size contains 14 hard capsules and is sufficient for approximately one week’s use.

Prices vary and range from 11 to 16 euros. The medium package size contains 28 hard capsules and is suitable for a two-week application. Again, prices vary in the range of about 21 to 29 euros.

The largest pack size of Kijimea® Derma contains 84 hard capsules and thus covers four weeks of use. Depending on what is on offer, prices range from 56 to 76 euros. The price difference is currently the largest in this category, so it is worth looking for offers.

Kijimea® irritable bowel

Kijimea Irritable Bowel is, like Kijimea® Derma, a hard capsule, but is suitable for use in irritable bowel conditions. It contains a strain of bifidobacteria called B. bifidum MIMBb75, which is believed to help improve the impaired intestinal barrier in irritable bowel syndrome. According to the manufacturer, Kijimea® Irritable Bowel helps to form a kind of protective layer on the intestinal mucosa and thus alleviates the typical symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

The manufacturers recommend taking one hard capsule daily. The capsule can be taken at any time of the day, but preferably with a main meal. It should be swallowed whole with plenty of water.

A minimum intake period of four weeks is recommended. However, according to the manufacturer, better effects and a higher effectiveness are achieved after twelve weeks. The capsules are gluten and lactose-free and contain no preservatives or sweeteners.

They can also be used during pregnancy and lactation. Side effects or interactions with other drugs are not known. However, if new symptoms or side effects occur, the manufacturer should be informed.