Price of Wick Vaporub® | Vicks Vaporub

Price of Wick Vaporub®

The price of Vicks Vapurub® products can range from 4, 10 Euro to 16.43 Euro. There are also price outliers. This mostly concerns certain special products or special offers. Often the preparations are offered then in otherwise not usual contents quantity.

What do I have to consider and when is Vicks Vaporub® used?

In any case, the information on the package insert must be observed. Vicks Vaporub® Cold Ointment must not be swallowed. Contact with eyes, nose and mouth should be avoided.

After rubbing the ointment into the skin, hands should be washed very thoroughly.If the symptoms do not recede after 5 days or have even worsened, a doctor should be consulted. In case of incorrect or overdose the ointment should be removed with baby oil wipes or with paper towels soaked in cooking oil. If skin reactions, breathing problems or other complaints occur due to an incorrect or overdose, the doctor should be consulted.

In case of shortness of breath or purulent, bloody cough or nasal mucus after application of the ointment, a doctor must be consulted. Furthermore, the doctor should be contacted immediately if the Vicks Vapurub® ointment has been swallowed. No attempt should be made to induce vomiting.

At best, the preparations of Vicks Vapurub® should be stored out of reach of children and persons at risk. In case of uncertainty for other reasons, a medical specialist should always be consulted. Whether Vicks Vaporub® has an effect on the ability to drive or to operate machines has not been sufficiently investigated so far.

Vicks Vaporub® cold ointments are contraindicated in children under the age of two. This also applies to similar preparations such as the cold balsam from Grippostad®, the Pulmotin® cold ointment, the cold balsam Tumarol® or the ointment from Metholan Orginal®. This is due to the combination of active ingredients in these preparations, which can lead to severe respiratory distress in infants and small children.

It was found in animal experiments that Vicks Vaporub® causes increased mucus formation. In addition, the combination of active ingredients interferes with the removal of mucus and thus blocks the airways. Under certain circumstances, this can lead to a risk of breathing problems at any age.

However, this risk is particularly high in infants and small children. The effect of Vicks Vaporub® has not yet been sufficiently investigated in pregnancy and lactation. Therefore its use is not recommended.

If there is a suspicion of pregnancy or an already proven pregnancy, consultation with a doctor or pharmacist should be made. The same applies to the lactation period. In this case, Vicks Vaporub® Cold Ointment must not be applied to the mother’s breast area. There is a risk that the infant gets a larynx cramp while sucking.