Problems falling asleep and difficulty sleeping through inadequate sleep hygiene | Problems with falling asleep

Problems falling asleep and difficulty sleeping through inadequate sleep hygiene

Problems falling asleep and difficulty sleeping through inadequate sleep hygiene is a disturbance with mostly unconscious sleep-incompatible behavior. These behaviors are divided into two groups. On the one hand, those that cause increased cognitive, emotional or somatic behavior before going to bed and those that are incompatible with the organization of sleep.

The latter find expression in irregular sleeping times, long bedtimes, use of the bed for activities other than sleep, sleep periods during the day, stimulating activities before going to bed, nocturnal activities such as watching television, getting up and working, and the evening consumption of stimulants or sleep disturbing substances (e.g. caffeine). The main cause is misjudgment of the consequences of staying awake indefinitely and irregularly. However, stress, ambition and excessive demands can also lead to behavioral habits that result in sleep-related complaints or sleep-wake rhythm disturbances. This includes substance abuse of:

  • Nicotine
  • Caffeineor
  • Other stimulants, but especially the use of the sleeping comfort for purposes other than sleeping like:
  • Television