Problems with falling asleep in the baby at 12 months | Problems with baby falling asleep

Problems with falling asleep in the baby at 12 months

At the age of 12 months the child’s need for sleep is reduced to about 14 hours. Most babies can already sleep through the night at this age and do not wake up regularly during the night. To counteract problems in falling asleep at this age, parents can follow a few helpful tips that can make the evening bed ritual much easier.

On the one hand, they should pay attention to a regular routine before going to bed. In this way, the baby can adjust to sleep and knows exactly which step to take next. In addition, especially at this age, care should be taken to ensure that the child does not sleep too much during the day, as this shortens the night’s sleeping phases. If the baby is kept awake during the day, or if he or she is physically exhausted during the day, the baby will be tired in the evening and can fall asleep more easily. A fixed time of day also leads to a regularity and a fixed rhythm.

Homeopathy for insomnia

As in many other areas, homeopathy is also used to treat pronounced problems with falling asleep in babies.If you have problems falling asleep, a massage with Calendula oil can be performed to promote evening rest and to ensure a relaxed state. The baby’s feet can be massaged with copper ointment, which creates a feeling of warmth and thus gives the baby a feeling of security and protection. If nervous restlessness tortures the baby and prolongs the process of falling asleep, suppositories made from passion flower can be used.

They have a calming effect and relieve restlessness. The use of cones containing extracts of oats, hops and valerian also relieves restlessness that can occur due to fatigue, physical exhaustion and sensory overload. These pellets soothe strained nerves and promote the consolidation of the natural sleep-wake rhythm.