Problems with learning

Welcome to our overview page Problems in learningThe most well-known attention deficit disorders are ADHD the attention deficit syndrome and ADHD the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. These are behavioral disorders that occur mainly in childhood and are characterized by lack of concentration. In ADHD, restlessness and hyperactivity are added to this.

Dyscalculia, i.e. weakness in arithmetic and numbers, can be compensated by integrative learning therapies. The disorder is a general, mathematical problem of understanding that occurs independently of intelligence. Dyslexia, also known as dyslexia, occurs more frequently in boys than in girls and is associated with difficulties in writing and speech.

The most well-known speech disorder is stuttering, where there is an interruption in the flow of speech and more often repetition of sounds and syllables. The problem usually occurs in phases, especially in children. A complication of the speech disorder is a disturbed psychosocial development with reduced self-confidence.

In case of lack of concentration, attention is limited and the person affected cannot direct his or her consciousness to certain contents. In addition to the attention deficit disorders ADS and ADHS, there are other diseases that can cause a lack of concentration. These include a vitamin B12 deficiency such as iron deficiency.

Behavioral problems in children can be noticed partly already in kindergarten or only at school age. A behavioral disorder is an increased restlessness together with fidgeting, aggression or physical violence towards other children as well as increased withdrawal or shyness. High giftedness is usually associated with increased intelligence, which can be determined by means of an intelligence test.

This giftedness can be limited to certain areas or be present in several areas of learning and life. A high aptitude requires a certain support, on the one hand concentration games can be applied. School enrollment is an important life event for children and parents.

As the beginning of the school career it is important to determine whether the child has reached a real emotional and cognitive maturity necessary for starting school. For this purpose, there are certain school enrollment tests that can decide on additional support for the child.