Procaine Base Infusion


The procaine base infusion is also known as deacidification. A procaine approved for intravenous administration is mixed with a base and a saline solution and given as an infusion. This is intended to relieve pain, reduce inflammation and dilate small vessels. Procaine also induces psychological relaxation. The areas of application for procaine base infusions are chronic pain diseases, back pain, headaches and other diseases, especially of the rheumatic and orthopedic spectrum.

Indications of procaine base infusion

Procaine base infusions have many different applications. In case of back pain, the infusions can be given to achieve pain reduction. Even with activated arthrosis, severe joint and bone pain is a main symptom which can be alleviated by procaine base infusions.

However, the infusions are always only an anaesthetic and do not cure the pain. In case of acute inflammation in the area of the joints, the acute arthritis, pain relief can also be achieved. In addition, procaine also has an anti-inflammatory effect and can also promote healing by improving blood circulation.

A pain pattern that has been largely misunderstood until now, fibromyalgia, can be alleviated by the infusions, but not cured. Nevertheless, the phases of reduced pain can have a positive effect on the quality of life of those affected. Tension headache is often caused by tension in the neck muscles. The infusions can relax the muscles and relieve the headache. In migraines, the vasodilating effect in the area of the meninges is more likely to be pain-relieving.

Effect of procaine base infusion

The procaine itself has different modes of action. Through intravenous administration, the infusions have a direct effect on the vessels. Small vessels dilate and the blood circulation increases.

Procaine also has a direct effect on nerves. It accumulates in the membrane wall of the nerve cells and blocks the sodium channels. As a result, the nerves‘ ability to communicate is inhibited and pain is felt less strongly.

At a low dose, this also has an effect only on the pain-conducting fibers, so that the sensation of touch does not change. Procaine also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Another effect is that together with the pain, the psyche can also be calmed.

In addition, the bases are supposed to increase the pH value in the tissue and thus improve the effect of procaine. Many affected persons also benefit from the administration of fluids through the saline solution, since often not enough is drunk. Through the combination of the different active ingredients, those affected can relax well, but this only lasts for a short time and must often be repeated.