Procedure of the examination – what is done? | U10 Examination

Procedure of the examination – what is done?

Every examination should start with a medical history. The pediatrician will pay special attention to the child’s social development and ask how it is doing in school. Are there problems with learning or with other children?

Also, as with U9, the medical history will be examined again. The pediatrician will take another close look at the vaccination record and see if all vaccinations are complete. Possibly a booster for diphtheria and tetanus is necessary.

Once everything is in order, the examination can begin. The pediatrician looks at the U10, as with every examination, the child from head to toe and sees if he sees anything unusual during the inspection. If he does not find anything, the examination continues.

First the weight is determined, as with every examination. Then the body length and blood pressure are measured. The organs are also scanned and listened to.

This includes listening to the heart and lungs, as well as listening to and palpating the abdomen. In addition, this time an EKG is also written. An ECG is a measurement of the electrical currents of the heart.

This examination is completely painless and takes only one minute. As with the U9, the U10 will check your child’s urine. A urine sample is taken and tested for bacteria and blood. In this way, hidden urinary tract infections and other kidney diseases can be ruled out. This is important because about 3-5% of children develop a urinary tract infection before the age of 10, especially girls are affected.

Is the U10 compulsory?

The U10 examination is not covered by all health insurance companies, as it is an additional preventive examination that is not a statutory health insurance benefit. Nevertheless, some health insurance companies do cover the preventive examination. These include AOK, BKK, Barmer GEK, DAK, IKK, Techniker Krankenkasse, actimonda, Hanseatische Krankenkasse (HKK), Knappschaft and Securvita.

In some cases, the costs are only covered by the health insurance company if the insured persons participate in a special bonus program. In order to make sure that the examination is actually covered by your health insurance company, it is best to contact them by telephone. If the costs are not covered by the health insurance, the costs for the U10 examination will be approximately 50€.