Prognosis and duration | Disc protrusion of the lumbar spine

Prognosis and duration

The duration depends strongly on the extent of the disc protrusion, the implementation of a disciplined therapy, the personal risk factors and the accompanying pain. With immediate control of the risk factors, targeted muscle building and a straightforward disc protrusion, the disease can be quickly brought under control. Only a few weeks can lead to relief of the symptoms.

The control of the disease and the prevention of further disc diseases, however, take a lifetime. The duration is different in more severe cases of disc protrusion. If there is already great pressure on the nerves, the fibrous ring of the disc is already damaged and inactivity and overweight are added, the duration can be delayed.

In such cases, the symptoms can become chronic over several months. A subsequent slipped disc is also not uncommon. The treatment of a herniated disc is a lengthy matter and is influenced by a number of factors.

Depending on the severity and exact location of the disease, the complaints can be of very different duration. Influencing here, in addition to the extent of the protrusion, especially how disciplined the treatment and training plan is followed by the patient. Despite appropriate treatment, a lumbar disc protrusion can still develop into a herniated disc of the lumbar spine. However, this is rarely the case.