Prognosis | Anthrax


The prognosis depends very much on early detection of the disease. Skin anthrax is already clearly visible in its early stages through the strong edema formation as well as through the pustule.If one visits a doctor before the pus can enter the blood vessels, treatment with antibiotics is very efficient and only 1% of all patients die. The prognosis for pulmonary anthrax is very poor.

Since the first signs only become apparent at a stage when the toxin has already spread throughout the body, antibiotic treatment is rarely helpful. This form of anthrax is therefore usually fatal. Without antibiotics 100% of all patients die after a few days.

With timely help, the death rate is reduced to over 50%. Intestinal anthrax has a similarly bad prognosis. Since the toxin has access to the bloodstream and can therefore spread quickly throughout the body, the quickest possible detection is of great importance.

Nevertheless, about 50% of all patients die despite the administration of antibiotics. Injection anthrax also has a poor prognosis because the toxin is released directly into the blood. Despite treatment, every 3rd patient dies. Despite treatment, late effects can occur, such as increased fatigue or weakness.


In September 2001, several senators and various news channels in the USA received letters containing the dangerous anthrax toxin. While the toxin for skin anthrax was sent to the news channels, the senators received the dangerous lung anthrax spores. A total of 5 people died in the attack. The exact circumstances are still not clear, but Bruce Edwards Ivins, who committed suicide in 2008, was accused.