Prognosis, course and duration | Peroneal tendon luxation

Prognosis, course and duration

The prognosis or the course of a peroneal tendon luxation is in most cases consistently positive. Thus, especially in acute, but also in chronic peroneal tendon dislocation after optimal therapy, there is no permanent damage or restrictions. Depending on the chosen therapy, the time to full recovery is still several weeks.

Conservatively treated patients can usually resume full weight bearing after about 8 weeks of plaster cast and subsequent physiotherapy. The duration after surgery is similar. After reconstruction and transfer surgery, a full plaster cast must be worn for 2 weeks, during the course of which light training can be started with a walking cast for 4 weeks.

After the sulcus operation a plaster is not necessary, but the load must be increased slowly. Usually, the time to complete recovery is somewhat shorter. In the case of chronic peroneal tendon dislocation due to a weakness of the ligamentous apparatus, the duration of the disease until correct diagnosis may be longer, so that the prognosis is also less good.