Prognosis | Dental anomalies


The front teeth stand far in front of the lower teeth and are tilted outwards. Thumb-sucking or bad pacifiers cause this positional anomaly. If only the teeth are affected, orthodontic appliances can eliminate this anomaly.

It may be necessary to remove teeth to make room. In more severe cases, when the jawbone is also involved, only surgical intervention is possible. In this case, the lower front teeth are positioned far in front of the upper ones.

This not only impairs the chewing function, but also results in poor aesthetics. Heredity plays the dominant role here. If this dentition anomaly is very pronounced, orthodontic measures alone cannot lead to success, since it is also a malformation of the bone.

Such malformations can only be treated by oral surgery in combination with orthodontics. The surgical therapy should not be performed before the age of 15. Anomalies in the position of teeth can take very different forms.

The causes are once bad habits, heredity, early tooth loss or injuries or, rarely today, rickets. The treatment is generally done with fixed or removable orthodontic appliances. If the jawbone is also involved, only an operation can restore a normal state.