Prognosis | Diarrhea due to stress


Anyone with a tendency to a sensitive bowel should be aware that phases of stress-related diarrhea will occur throughout the rest of their lives. The same applies to the diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome: this is a chronic, i.e. long-term condition that can cause recurring symptoms. However, affected persons can experience relief by adjusting their lifestyle.

Lifestyle habits aimed at relaxation or dietary adjustments can contribute to an improvement in the symptoms in both the short and long term.However, since every body functions differently, no general statement can be made about the prognosis of stress-related gastrointestinal complaints. If the complaints occur again, worsen significantly, or new symptoms such as blood in the stool appear, a doctor should always be consulted. If diarrhoea is caused by stress, the symptoms usually improve when a less stressful phase of life begins.

However, one should not expect diarrhoea to stop right after the end of stress. Mostly the body and especially the gastrointestinal tract needs some time to calm down. The stress-related diarrhea can therefore continue for a few days after the end of the stress. If a so-called irritable bowel syndrome is present, a change between diarrhea and constipation is also possible in the course of the disease.