Prognosis Duration | Tietze syndrome

Prognosis Duration

The occurrence of Tietze syndrome is in many cases a very short process in the course of a faulty movement. Just as the occurrence can happen very quickly, the problem can disappear again. It can be a short pain of a few seconds to minutes.

In these cases, the joint has slipped back into its original position by itself and no chronic pain problem develops.In other cases, the problem lasts for days to months. In rare cases the Tietze Syndrome remains permanent. The healing itself almost always takes place without medical intervention. However, many patients are limited by the symptoms in their everyday life, which is why a therapy with painkillers can be used. How long a Tietze Syndrome lasts at the end depends, as with many diseases, on many partly unpredictable factors.

Can Tietze syndrome become chronic?

Tietze syndrome is a disease that usually disappears on its own, i.e. no special treatment is necessary. The pain that occurs is often accompanied by the administration of anti-inflammatory painkillers such as ibuprofen or diclofenac, in severe cases they can be combined with cortisone preparations. A chronic course is very rare, so that the prognosis is good and damage is usually not left behind.

Can a Tietze syndrome indicate ankylosing spondylitis?

Tietze syndrome itself is not a syndrome of ankylosing spondylitis, but ankylosing spondylitis should nevertheless be considered as a differential diagnosis for sternal pain. In addition to the classic symptoms of this disease, pain over the sternum with limited burst cage stretching during breathing may also be noticeable, although the cause is unclear. Since Bekhterev’s disease is a chronic rheumatic disease, preferably of the spinal column and the joint between the intestine and sacrum (sacroiliac joint) of unknown cause, the involvement of other joints, such as the rib-chest bone joints (sternocostal joints) is also possible.

Tietze syndrome during pregnancy

The fact of pregnancy is in many ways a burden on the body. Pain in the ribs, which can lead to Tietze Syndrome, depending on the localization, is therefore not a rare complaint during pregnancy. The enormous increase in abdominal girth favors the enormous stretching of the abdominal muscles.

Since the abdominal muscles are partly located in the rib area, the strain can be transferred to the ribs and the sternum and cause symptoms of Tietze syndrome. The fact that the costal arch is subjected to pressure from the abdomen also explains the origin of the symptoms, as the stretching is transferred to the articulated connection between the ribs and the sternum. The intensity of the symptoms can vary, but in most cases they subside after birth.

The situation is different if the Tietze syndrome existed before the pregnancy. In this case, the symptoms can of course worsen and may require treatment, so that conservative and drug therapy must be used.