Prognosis | Exercises for a foot lifter paresis


The prognosis for a cure of foot lifter paresis is strongly dependent on the type and location of the damage. Peripheral lesions in the course of the nerve, e.g. a rupture or tear of the nerve at a fracture or compartment syndrome (bleeding into the area of the musculature with a strong increase in pressure in the tissue, which can cause nerve damage) can heal depending on the severity of the injury. Nerve tissue can also heal.

However, if the nerve is completely severed, the chances of healing are poor. If torn nerve fibers grow together again, scarring can occur, the nerve is reattached, but its function remains limited. In favorable cases, complete healing may also occur.

Nerves, just like muscles, are supplied with blood and nourished to perform their function. Due to an increase in pressure in the surrounding tissue, the supply to the nerve is limited, and in the worst case, the nerve tissue can perish. In everyday life we notice too much pressure on our nerves, e.g. when our feet fall asleep after kneeling on the floor for a long time.

The nerve tissue should be relieved as soon as possible to ensure an adequate supply. The extent of the damage caused by the pressure depends on the duration and strength of the pressure load. Again, slight irritations of the nerve can heal well and quickly, more severe injuries heal more slowly, or are irreversibly damaged.

Central pareses of the foot lifter can be caused by a stroke, by a cross-section or also by a herniated disc. It is difficult to make a general prognosis. In the case of a stroke, it is necessary to wait and see whether the brain can recover in the damaged area.

Dead tissue does not regenerate. A herniated disc is a compression syndrome. In this case, just as in the peripheral lesion, the pressure must be removed from the nerve as quickly as possible in order not to damage it permanently. After healing or surgical removal of the herniated disc, it must be waited to see to what extent the nerve can regenerate.