Prognosis in case of an injury to the costal arch | Ribbed Arch

Prognosis in case of an injury to the costal arch

The prognosis for the diseases described is generally good. If there are no complications, rib fractures usually heal within about 6 weeks, so that the pain is significantly reduced. The exact duration of healing depends on the type of fracture, the age of the person affected and previous illnesses.

After these 6 weeks, the fracture is usually stable enough to withstand normal movement. However, the entire healing process takes considerably longer with changes in adaptation and reconstruction. During this time, however, the rib is already able to bear weight again.

Even rib bruises heal in about four weeks if the course of treatment is good. In intercostal neuralgia, the course of the disease varies greatly in length. Rapid healing up to protracted courses are possible.

Prophylaxis of an injury to the costal arch

Prevention of most of the above-mentioned diseases is difficult. In general, falls and accidents should be avoided if possible. In addition, treatment can help in the presence of osteoporosis to avoid rib fractures.