Prognosis | Incineration


The chances of recovery are strongly dependent on the severity of the burn. Up to grade IIa there is scar-free healing, but beyond this, cosmetic impairment due to the burn or a skin transplantation that has been performed is to be expected, which primarily serves to restore the body’s protective barrier against the environment. The scars resulting from the burn can be reduced in their visibility and size by scar ointments such as Contractubex.

If burn injuries also occur, life is in danger and intensive medical care must be provided as quickly as possible. Heat exposure to the body quickly causes burns, the severity of which depends on the temperature and duration of action and whose treatment can therefore range from local pain relief to intensive care and skin transplantation. Many burn accidents occur in the home and at work, many of which can be avoided by taking the appropriate precautions. More severe burns are potentially life-threatening and therefore require (emergency) medical care.