Prognosis | Inflammation anus


The prognosis for an inflamed anus depends very much on the underlying disease. In most cases, however, the prognosis for typical symptoms of an inflamed anus is very favorable. Often a simple irritation of the skin in this area is responsible for the symptoms, which usually disappear completely after the disease has healed.

Anal fissures should heal relatively quickly if adequate hygiene is maintained, if eating habits are adapted and if pressing during bowel movements is avoided. Even in the case of a hemorrhoidal disorder, the prognosis is very favorable because with modern therapies and surgical procedures a complete cure can usually be achieved. The therapy of an anal fistula is usually relatively extensive and should be discussed with the treating physician in each individual case. The prognosis depends on the size and localization of the fistula.


Depending on the underlying disease, some behaviors can prevent inflammation of the anus. In order to prevent eczema of the skin, adequate hygiene of the anus and avoidance of aggressive care products should be observed. Irritation due to mechanical friction on the anus caused by sporting activities should be avoided if possible.

Inflammations caused by anal fissures or hemorrhoids can be avoided by adjusting the toilet behaviour and the stool consistency. A soft stool and the avoidance of strong pressing during bowel movement can help to prevent the development of the complaints. In order to avoid complications and to improve the success and duration of the healing process, a doctor should be consulted at the onset of symptoms that indicate an inflammation of the anus, who can diagnose the individual illness and initiate an individual therapy.