Prognosis – Is a HPV infection curable? | What is the HP virus?

Prognosis – Is a HPV infection curable?

Warts resulting from HPV infection are quite treatable. They can be removed either by etching or by “freezing”. If none of these methods is successful, the warts can ultimately be surgically removed.

However, these treatments are usually associated with a relatively high recurrence rate. This means that a wart will develop again after all.Normally, the warts also disappear on their own after about two years without any further action, as the body has produced enough antibodies during this time to fight the viruses and get rid of these unaesthetic skin growths. With regard to the tumorous changes caused by HPV, the stage at which the tumor is discovered plays a decisive role in the prognosis of the disease.

The earlier the tumor is detected, such as cervical cancer or carcinomas of the mouth and throat, the better the chances of recovery. Another decisive factor is the type of therapy applied and whether the tumor has already been able to attack adjacent lymph nodes or even metastasize. With the help of a comprehensive operation and a subsequent combination treatment of chemotherapy and radiation, the prognosis for healing the tumor disease does not look bad.