Prognosis | ITBS-Iliotibial Band Syndrome Symptoms/Pain


In the case of a runner’s knee (tractus-iliotibialis syndrome, iliotibial ligament syndrome), which is caused by overloading and is not yet chronic, it often takes just one or two weeks of rest to get rid of the symptoms. If training is continued despite pain, there is a risk of irreparable damage to cartilage in the knee joint as well as the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the tendon attachment area of the tractus iliotibialis. However, if chronicity is not yet available, the prognosis is good, since future overloading can be avoided by adjusting training habits. In the article “Exercises in the case of cartilage damage” you will find information on the hgier addressed topics.

Sick leave

Depending on the individual case, the doctor decides whether and how long a sick note is necessary due to an iliotibial band syndrome. This depends strongly on how much physical stress the person concerned is actually exposed to in his or her professional life. For example, a salesperson who stands and moves all day will be more likely to be put on sick leave than a programmer who only works sitting.

In addition, it must be clarified whether the complaints were caused by occupational overload or by too high training intensity in private life. If the latter is the case, sick leave can be avoided.