Prognosis | Pain in the eye socket


Pain in the eye socket is in most cases harmless and only a secondary symptom of another disease mentioned above. If the cause is treated, the pain in the orbit also disappears. Only in rare cases, such as an abscess in the jaw or sinusitis spreading to the eye, should the utmost caution be exercised, since in the worst case the eye can be damaged. However, this only happens if you do not seek treatment. The course of a nasociliary neuralgia can be protracted.


It is difficult to specifically prevent pain in the eye. In order to avoid sinusitis, it is advisable to take less strain at the first signs of a cold and to take nasal drops against the swelling of the nasal mucosa.Headaches and neuralgia are associated with stress and an unhealthy lifestyle, so this is a good starting point for prophylaxis against pain in the eye socket. After a visit to the dentist, one should pay close attention to any changes such as pain so that it can be treated quickly and specifically to prevent worse complications.