Prognosis | Sexually transmitted diseases


Nearly all venereal diseases heal without consequences or can be contained under consistent therapy. Nowadays, almost none of these infections are acutely life-threatening. Important exceptions are infections with HIV, which by definition also belong to STDs, since the virus can be transmitted via sexual contact.

Classical STDs in the sense of the infections presented in the previous one usually respond well to therapy and are usually curable. It is only important in this context that a therapy is prescribed in the first place. False shame or other personal reasons should not be an argument against a visit to the doctor.


A sexually transmitted disease does not provide immune protection against new infections. Even a currently existing disease does not protect against further ones, but even favors them through the existing irritation of the mucous membranes. Therefore, a good therapy includes a sensitive informative talk, which among other things should urgently advise you to protect yourself and others during sexual intercourse.

The only effective and at the same time very simple prophylaxis against venereal diseases are condoms. Used correctly, they protect not only against unwanted pregnancy but also against HIV and all infections in the genital area.